How to set up daily email alerts for chkrootkit?
Login to your server as root and at the root prompt fire the below command: root@xxx[~]vi /etc/cron.daily/chkrootkit.sh Insert the following to the new file: #!/bin/bash …
Login to your server as root and at the root prompt fire the below command: root@xxx[~]vi /etc/cron.daily/chkrootkit.sh Insert the following to the new file: #!/bin/bash …
To prevent DDOS, below are the steps: Setup the machine / network keeping security in mind Setup a firewall which does Ingress and Egress Filtering …
In wordpress you have a wp-config.php file.It has all the details related to wordpress installation like database user and password. And to secure the installation …
Login into WHM and refer the following steps one by one to check the server security: a. Check WHM >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings …
Following is the one step method for above:- Edit /usr/lib/php/php_whitelist , enter the domain in this file once with www & once without www. That’s …
To secure the server , we would disable direct root login. That could be done via sshd_config file. Here Protocol 2 needs to be used …
Nagios is a popular open source network monitoring application. It’s mainly used to monitor services On the server. Steps to configure nagios on Linux Machine:- …
Normally you get the following error Error or warning message : Check /var/tmp is mounted as a filesystem WARNING /var/tmp should either be symlinked to …
Webmin is an open source, web-based interface designed to be used as a managing tool In Unix and Linux environment. It allows you to setup …
a.Login as root in your Linux server b. Type this command: [root@TftpServer ~]# yum install tftp-server c.Once the installation completes, Type this command [root@TftpServer ~]#vim …
Following steps could be referred for the same :- Make sure PHP runs as DSO Apache module. For this, log into your WHM and go …