How to disable php for a particular user on the server?
Put the following code in .htaaccess file for that user as: php_flag engine off OR In httpd.conf file,for that particular domain, put the following code …
Put the following code in .htaaccess file for that user as: php_flag engine off OR In httpd.conf file,for that particular domain, put the following code …
a. To find out, how many messages are there in the mail queue: exim –bpc b. To check the mails in the queue: exim –bp …
“Untar” a file If you are working with example.tar file, you can extract the files from it using: tar xvf example.tar If you …
Always recommended that you should take backup MBR. It is hard disk partition table on your server. We can use dd command to take a …
Login to your server as root Fire the following at the shell: which convert Most of the servers do have imagemagick installed at s — …
Below are the steps: Create a file “phpinfo” in an account: <? phpinfo(); ?> and check it using a browser, you should see, you have …
It’s a one step process. Just login to your server as root user. Fire the below command: /scripts/addpop to accomplish this.
If want to control all the domains, before they resolve, then that could be done by creating some symbolic links. Let’s say you have domain12.com …
Refer the following steps:- Create / open a new PHP File 1) new site 2) Yes I want to use server technology 3) which server …
You see that files with name ‘Core’ is created under your account. These core files start taking the space on your server. Core dump consists …
history command lists all executed command on server. By default output of command is as follows: 989 date 990 history 991 history 992 w 993 …