PHP as a CGI with Suexec
When PHP runs as a CGI with Suexec, PHP files work under your user/group. PHP files no longer require loose permissions to function, now they …
When PHP runs as a CGI with Suexec, PHP files work under your user/group. PHP files no longer require loose permissions to function, now they …
When PHP runs as an Apache module, PHP files work under the Apache user/group known as “nobody”. For example, when a PHP file needs to …
PHPSuexec is the term which is used to describe running PHP as a CGI with Suexec. It creates a more secure environment as compared to …
It’s very simple to verify this. Have a simple ‘php info’ script. Create a file named ‘phpinfo.php’ under the public_html of your domain Insert the …
There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser. An E-Mail has …
If you are creating a cpanel account for a domain , lets say abc.com and after filling Up all the details ,required to create a …
1) Create a .htaccess file and specify the following code in it, AuthType Basic AuthName “Adminsitration” AuthUserFile /home/support/.htpasswd require valid-user 2) To create a passwd …
Normally /var gets full due to saturated mails. To manually deliver those mails refer the following steps : a.Login the server as root. b.Fire the …
Many a times we receive the error ‘Maximum file limit has been reached’, in that case, please Refer the following steps to get it fixed:- …
Execute the following command for a domain in Ensim from root:- #echo “php_admin_value upload_max_filesize 20MB” > /etc/httpd/conf/sitexx/uploadmaxsize Replace xx with site number. Site number could …
If you want to clear your mail queue, you can create a script named clearmailq.sh with the following: Install the following script as a .sh …