How to disable Core Dumps on the dedicated server?
Please refer the following steps: 1. Login to your server as root. 2. Open up /etc/init.d/httpd using your favorite editor vi /etc/init.d/httpd 3. add ulimit …
Please refer the following steps: 1. Login to your server as root. 2. Open up /etc/init.d/httpd using your favorite editor vi /etc/init.d/httpd 3. add ulimit …
After upgrading or with a newly installed version of Plesk, you may find yourself unable to set passwords for new database users. If you are …
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that is based on SQL queries. It is compatible with most known programming languages and can be …
In Linux, log files display a timeline of events for specific processes and parts of the system. For example, there are log files for dpkg, …
In this guide we’ll take a look at the functions of the Netstat Command within Linux and how it can be used to effectively monitor …
In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of how to clear the yum cache. But first: What is yum? The Yellowdog Updater, Modified (yum) is …
Disabling a Package Repository: Usually, the package repositories are located in the definition files.You can find them in the directory named /etc/yum.repos.d . In order …
Viewing Text File Content The cat command allows you to read /view the contents of the text files without editing them. The easiest method of …
For setting up different time zone for a particular domain, you need to specify the time zone in the file called “php.ini”. If you have …
Please refer the following steps: a. Login to the server as root. b. Execute the following command: root@host [~]# visudo c. The screen …
Login to your server as root Fire the following command: which convert That should display the imagemagick path.