How can I display a banner when someone attempts to ssh to my server?
This can be set with the Banner directive in sshd_config. First create a banner to display upon connection: root@root [~]# vi /etc/sshd_banner.txt Set the Banner …
This can be set with the Banner directive in sshd_config. First create a banner to display upon connection: root@root [~]# vi /etc/sshd_banner.txt Set the Banner …
To change which port ssh listens on, you just need to edit the sshd_config file. The default directory for ssh configuration is /etc/ssh. First, backup …
To limit the IP addresses which sshd listens on, you just need to modify its settings within the sshd_config file. Follow these 4 easy steps: …
Using the Chilisoft software, it is possible to run ASP scripts. These scripts can provide database connectivity, however they cannot reference custom COM objects.
Because ext3 is relatively new, some disk utilities do not yet support it. For example, you may need to shrink a partition with resize2fs, which …
For a more concise understanding of system performance, try vmstat. With vmstat, it is possible to get an overview of process, memory, swap, I/O, system, …
The Linux top command is a useful tool for monitoring system performance and resource usage. It shows a table of processes and their CPU, memory, …
A signal 11 error, commonly know as a segmentation fault, means that the program accessed a memory location that was not assigned. If you receive …
A swap partition (at least 256 MB) — swap partitions are used to support virtual memory. In other words, data is written to a swap …
The /proc file system is a special file system that provides information about processes and other system information in a hierarchical file-like structure. Unlike regular …
Swap Space and Types of Swap Swap space is a memory virtualization concept that allows Linux to use disk space as an extension of RAM …