Apache logs for freeBsd
Tha Apache logs can be found in hte following path on a FreeBSD server. /hsphere/local/var/httpd/logs
Tha Apache logs can be found in hte following path on a FreeBSD server. /hsphere/local/var/httpd/logs
date yymmddhhmm yy = year mm = month dd = date hh = hours mm = mins If you do not give ss = seconds, …
adduser -s (s – silent, not a verbose o/p). Use option “-verbose” if you want to see more warnings and questions or try to repair …
pkg_info is a utility that lists and describes the various packages installed. # pkg_info cvsup-16.1 A general network file distribution system optimized for CV docbook-1.2 …
To bind IPs to your FreeBSD server: Open /etc/rc.conf with your editor: # vi /etc/rc.conf You should see a line which looks like this: ifconfig_fxp0=”inet …
Login as the root user and run the command /stand/sysinstall Select Index => Partition => the disk to edit with arrow keys and SPACE. To …
pkg_add does not install into /usr/ports directory. pkg_add command downloads a pre-compiled binary package of the software and installs into /usr/local/*. After that the software …
Solution qmHandle, a perl script which gives you greater functionality – allows you to view and manage the ‘qmail’ message queue. It can be install …
A handy little Linux application called mytop fits this just perfectly. This is a near-time monitor just like the UNIX utility ‘top’ that specifically looks …
You can use the command which, which shows the full path of (shell) commands. Which finds the first binary within path. If you have more …
If you’re a Linux user troubleshooting memory issues with your server, knowing which files are taking up the most space can be invaluable information. Luckily, …