How are modules managed?
Debian’s modconf package provides a shell script (/usr/sbin/modconf) which can be used to customize the configuration of modules. This script presents a menu-based interface, prompting …
Debian’s modconf package provides a shell script (/usr/sbin/modconf) which can be used to customize the configuration of modules. This script presents a menu-based interface, prompting …
APT is an advanced interface to the Debian packaging system. It features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability and several other unique features, see the …
A virtual package is a generic name that applies to any one of a group of packages, all of which provide similar basic functionality. For …
On a server with CPanel, you can log into the WHM and install it there. If for some reason doesn’t work for you, you can …
This is configured with the ‘hostname’ option in /etc/sysconfig/network. Update that file and either reboot or run hostname <mynewhostname> Your current shell will not change …
To configure or manage user quotas on a RedHat server (with no control panel installed), follow the steps below: 1. Understanding the user’s quota file …
As the root user, edit file /etc/fstab to add qualifier “usrquota” or “grpquota” to the partition you want quotas enabled for as shown below: /dev/hda2 …
Yes, you can install Fedora on ReiserFS, JFS, or XFS. None of these file systems are officially supported by the Fedora Project. (That means that …
Partitions are segments of a storage device that have been logically separated from the rest of the device. Partitions allow users to manage data more …
Install cvsup-without-gui from ports: cd /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui make install Copy the cvsup recipes to /usr/local/etc: cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile /usr/local/etc/stable-supfile cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile /usr/local/etc/ports-supfile Edit the cvsup recipes for …
The below example is for SMP, Quotas, and Firewall support. Sources must be installed to recompile the kernel. If sources are not on the server …