Create an SPF record for a domain
SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework, and is a method by which the administrator of a domain explicitly specifies which mailservers are allowed to send …
SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework, and is a method by which the administrator of a domain explicitly specifies which mailservers are allowed to send …
The easiest way to do this, would be to modify /etc/mail/spamassassin and set the trusted_networks setting. You should include localhost, and either your servers IP, …
This parameter can be changed in Qmail’s control directory. The default setting is to keep attempting to send an email for 7 days. The parameter …
make sure the following line is in the /etc/hosts file: localhost.localdomain localhost
This section defines HOWTO configure a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record for a domain and its mail servers. Briefly the design intent of the SPF …
Exim is recommended and supported MTA for use with the @Mail application, as it includes additional functionality, including MySQL database lookups, which enhance the efficiency …
To disable TCP/IP packet filtering 1. In Control Panel, double-click Network Connections. 2. Right-click the connection, and then click Properties. 3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), …
If you dont have control over a router or firewall you can block IP’s at the server via Windows. Click ‘Start’ > ‘Run’ >type ‘MMC’ …
There are a few adjustments that can and should be made to the default SSHD configuration to increase security. Traditionally, this has been especially true …
If you’re a Linux user, then chances are your system is already using iptables to control your server’s firewall. For those who are new to …
If you are experiencing slow speeds and packet loss on a Linux server, you may need to have the NIC settings restored to full duplex, …