Unlock the Linux Plesk admin or a user login if it has been locke

Plesk will lock out accounts if multiple failed attempts to login are registered. The default is to lock accounts for 30 minutes after 3 failed attempts. Attempting to login with an account that has been locked out will result in an “Access Denied” pop up – even if the password

Try to log in to webmail for any domain it returns 404 error

This appiles to Plesk Windows version 7.5 This error means that web site webmail(default) responsible for webmail is misconfigured in IIS. To return it to working state you need to apply Plesk utility that will reconfigure webmail on the server. “%plesk_bin%\defpackagemng.exe” –fix –type=webmail

RCPTHOSTS Solution for Plesk: Relay Issues

This is a very well known operational problem with plesk/qmail/smtpauthorization. Basically it is because plesk default settings for ‘mail’ is to close relaying (spam), and you certainly don’t want to enable it. Solution: There are two parts: 1. Server Side: log to your plesk cp, go to Server>mail, under Relaying

How do I view the status report and traffic statistics?

Plesk keeps a summary of important data for every control panel user. The client report is a brief overview of the account-specific system information. To view the report, click the Report icon on the Home page. To get a printer-friendly version of report, use the icon. To send the report

How do I manage virtual host skeleton?

Skeletons are file structure templates, which are used for fast automatic creation of predefined virtual host content when creating a physical hosting. Skeleton file may contain the following top-level directories only: * httpdocs * httpsdocs * cgi-bin * anon_ftp * error_docs All other directories will be ignored during skeleton deployment.

How do I set session security parameters?

You can set the following session parameters Session idle time: the allowable idle time for a user session. Should a user session remain idle for a length of time exceeding that specified as the session idle time, Plesk terminates the current session. Invalid login interval: an interval between two invalid

How do I manage the IP’s?

You are given IPs and then are able to utilize them within your own domains. IPs are able to be granted as either exclusive, meaning that you become the user with exclusive rights to this IP, or shared, meaning that this IP is shared among many other clients (i.e. one

How do I access Microsoft FrontPage Web Administrator?

You can access the Microsoft FrontPage Web Administrator directly from the Control Panel, using the FP Webadmin icon, or FP-SSL Webadmin if you wish to access it over secure SSL connection. These icons are located at the bottom of the Domain Administration page, provided that hosting is set up for

How do work with protected directories?

This feature is active if virtual hosting has been configured for the domain. It creates and provides password-protected access to the directories where the secure documents reside in the virtual domain. It is possible to create directories under either the standard virtual host accessible via http protocol, or if applicable

How to downgrade from apache 2 back to apache 1.3

If you need to go back to apache 1.3 after installing apache 2, you’ll need to do the following: 1) Restore the old httpd.conf file: cp -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.1.3.backup /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 2) Get DirectAdmin to use the old httpd.conf files for the users. Edit the /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file and change apache_ver=2.0 to apache_ver=1.3.

I can’t login to DirectAdmin on port 2222

If you are unable to access your server via, then 1 of 3 things is likely happening: 1. DirectAdmin might not be running or 2. You have a firewall blocking port 2222. Number 2. is easy to check by simply running (only on redhat systems): /sbin/service iptables stop /sbin/chkconfig