Restore Backups

Overview You can restore all backup files that you have created using WebHost Manager.   NOTE: WebHost Manager copies over each previous backup with the latest backup. For example, each daily backup copies over the previous daily backup, and each weekly backup copies over the previous weekly backup   Steps

Contact Manager

Overview The Contact Manager enables you to set priority levels on which alerts are sent to you and when. You can set the priority rating on each contact method, which indicates what level of priority is sent to that contact method. For example, if you set pager a rating of

mod_userdir Tweak

Overview Apache’s mod_userdir allows users to view their sites by entering a tilde(~) and their username as the URL on a specific host. For example will bring up the user Fred’s domain. The disadvantage of this feature is that any bandwidth usage used by this site will be put

Modify Resolver Configuration

Overview The resolver configuration file (/etc/resolv.conf) is a configuration file for name server routines. Normally you do not need to modify resolv.conf.   NOTE: Do not modify the IP values unless you know what you are doing. If they are not altered properly, your server will not function properly.  

Transfer the address book from Neomail to Horde and SquirrelMail

How to Transfer the address book from Neomail to Horde and SquirrelMail ? ——————————————– From Neomail to Horde – If you had entries in your Addressbook in NeoMail it is a pretty easy process to import them into Horde. 1. Log into the account using an FTP program and download

Issue with /cpanel or /whm or /webmail.

Issue with /cpanel or /whm or /webmail. If you are facing an issue that says user can’t access cpanel by then please try doing the following, 1) log in to WHM and go to “Tweak Settings” 2) Uncheck the following two options from “System”, Always redirect users to the

Configure Backup

Overview You can specify how often backups occur and where backups are placed – either on the same server or on a separate backup drive. You can also specify the specific parts of the backup process that are enabled.   NOTE: The backup interval options work in the following fashion:

Installing chkrootkit on a Linux Server

Linux chkrootkit is a tool that can help you detect if your system has been compromised by a rootkit. A rootkit is a malicious software that hides itself from detection and gives an attacker full control over your system. Linux chkrootkit scans your system for common signs of rootkit infection,

Install SIM (System Integrity Monitor)

Installing SIM(System Integrity Monitor) on Linux server: 1. Download SIM (System Integrity Monitor) from here: 2. Extract the files. Ex. tar -xzvf sim-current.tar.gz 3. Execute the install script ‘setup’ that was extracted with the ‘-i’ parameter. Ex. ./setup -i You should get something similar to this: (the bolded text

Install eAccelerator on server

Following are the steps to install eAccelerator: step 1: Download from and install. Compiling eAccelerator: You need to run these commands in the eAccelerator source directory. eAccelerator supports multiple php branches so you need to bootstrap eAccelerator first. This can be done with the phpize script. It very important

Common cPanel /Scripts

Solution Hello Guys! Here you can find some common cPanel scripts which are useful for the task given below. Common cPanel /Scripts Install Zend Optimizer /scripts/installzendopt Hostname A Entry Missing! /scripts/fixndc then restart bind and apache Install Cron on New Server /scripts/installrpm anacron vixie-cron ; /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond start Bandwidth issues /scripts/cleanbw