How Will Thailand’s Floods Affect the Hosting Business?

As you may know Thailand has been ravaged with flooding throughout September and October. What you may not know, is much of the worlds hard drives are manufactured in Thailand. The monsoons have barely let up and as it stands many of the biggest names in hard drive production are

Hivelocity Launches New Customer Portal, myVelocity

To view the original article please visit- TheWhir (WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) — Web hosting provider Hivelocity announced this week that it has launched its new customer management portal, myVelocity, a few weeks after releasing a preview to its Twitter followers. After three weeks of beta testing, which followed the

Hivelocity Launches New Affiliate Program

Hivelocity launches the newest and most simple affiliate program in the hosting industry this week. This new program by Hivelocity is expected to be one of the most rewarding affiliate systems offered by any hosting company. Hivelocity will pay a 10% monthly commission for every referral customer its affiliates send

Hivelocity Launches E5-2600 Romley Server Line

Earlier today Hivelocity Hosting announced it was already taking pre-orders for their new Intel E5-2600 Romley Xeon server line. These new processors are Intel’s latest server processor built on the Sandy Bridge platform and are the newest edition to the higher end Xeon family of chips. With hardware suppliers like

Hivelocity Adds Ivy Bridge E3, E5 and E7 Solutions

Hivelocity has recently launched several new server configurations keeping up with Intel’s latest processor releases. In the last month Hivelocity has added Ivy Bridge E3, Sandy Bridge E5 and Westmere E7 systems to their offerings and to their orders with Dell and SuperMicro. Ivy Bridge is the code name for

Hivelocity Launches Cloud Specialty Site

Hivelocity announced this week the launch of its new cloud hosting and virtualization specialty site SparkNode offers cloud hosting plans including Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and Cloud Virtual Machines (VMs) either of which can be signed up and deployed within seconds. SparkNode emphasizes simplicity and ease of use throughout

Free Solid State Drives Included on Most New Servers

Hivelocity announced today they are now including a free 60GB Intel 520 series Solid State Hard Drive with all new servers. The free SSD is included as an extra drive and not a replacement for the SATA or SAS drives already included with the standard server configurations. Customers have the

Why Hivelocity is the Best Colocation Option in Tampa

Hivelocity was founded in 2001 and we have maintained our headquarters in Tampa Bay for over a decade. In the early years as our company grew we toured each data center in the area looking for the right fit to facilitate our swelling needs. You see when we founded the

A Year in Review- 2012

We accomplished a lot of things over the last year and for our existing customers and to anyone who is considering Hivelocity in 2013 I thought a quick review of things would be nice. First and foremost, we provided our customer with 100% uptime throughout the year. While this is

The 3 Best Ways to Use Social Networks to Connect with Customers

Businesses need new ways to connect with customers due to the spiraling costs of good customer service and the power of social media to make or break a company’s reputation. You may realize that there are a lot of people who are using social networks but you may be surprised