Linode Price Increase & Customer Exodus

When it was announced earlier this year that content delivery network (CDN) provider Akamai would acquire IaaS cloud platform provider Linode for a staggering $900 million, it left many feeling uncertain: especially Linode’s existing customer base. While the merger has boosted Akamai’s financial numbers for this quarter, like the acquisition


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How to Schedule System Updates and Tasks Using Cron Jobs

Updating a linux server is a good practice that can benefit your server’s security, functionality, and flexibility. This is important for several reasons: First, updating a linux server ensures that the server has the latest security patches and bug fixes, which can prevent potential attacks or errors from compromising the server’s

Unleashing Scalability: The Benefits of Hivelocity VPS

As your organization grows, the necessity for a robust and scalable hosting solution capable of supporting your evolving digital infrastructure becomes essential. You might have the best application in the world, but without the systems in place to support its growth, your potential success will be limited. With their combination

Working with Docker: Must-Know Docker Commands

Welcome back to our series covering all things Docker. In our previous article, Docker Advanced: Deploying with Docker-Compose, we covered the basics of Docker-Compose, how to create a docker-compose.yaml file, and the structure of commands within Docker-Compose. In this article, we’ll cover a selection of basic Docker commands which are

Docker Advanced: Deploying with Docker-Compose

Welcome back to our series covering all things Docker. In our previous article, Docker for Beginners: Deploying Containers & the Anatomy of Commands, we covered a basic test example of deploying a Ghost webpage inside a Docker container, as well as analyzing the components that make up the command we

Docker for Beginners: Deploying Containers & the Anatomy of Commands

Welcome back to our series covering all things Docker. In our previous article, Getting Started with Docker: Installation & Basics, we covered key Docker components including storage and networking as well as the basics of installing Docker onto your Linux system.  But now that you have Docker installed, what can

Getting Started with Docker: Installation & Basics

Welcome back to our series covering all things Docker. In our previous article, An Introduction to Docker: What is Docker & What Are Its Benefits?, we covered the basics of what the Docker platform is as well as some of the advantages containers provide over traditional deployment methods. But now

[Webinar] The Future of Cybersecurity: A Survival Guide

With several high-profile hacks hitting some of the biggest companies such as LastPast, and GoDaddy just to name a few, it is vital to stay ahead of the game. Eric Ellis, CloudLinux Technical Account Manager, and Eric Lewellen, Hivelocity System Admin, will host this upcoming webinar, where they will discuss