Rebuild/restore the named.conf file on a Direct Admin server

1) SSH to server as root. 2) cd /etc 3) cp named.conf named.conf.BAK 4) wget -O /etc/named.conf 5) then run: for i in `cat /etc/virtual/domains`; do { echo “zone \”$i\” { type master; file \”/var/named/$i.db\”; };”; }; done; >> /etc/named.conf

Password Modification

Overview You can change an account holder’s password, if required. This is usually only necessary when an account holder cannot remember their password as they can change their password if they know their current password.   Steps To access the Account Functions Menu, click on Account Functions, on the main

List Subdomains in WHM

Overview WebHost Manager (WHM) enables you to list all subdomains on your server. This function will display all subdomains and parked domains, sorted by domain name.   Steps To list out your subdomains using WHM, just follow these steps: To access the Account Information Menu, click on Account Information, on

List Parked Domains in WHM

Overview This function allows users to display all domains that are parked on top of other domains.   Steps To see a list of all parked domains, just follow these steps: To access the Account Information Menu, click on Account Information, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface.

Restore Multiple Backups in WHM

Overview With WebHost Manager, you can restore multiple backups at the same time. You can only restore multiple backups of the same type: daily, weekly, or monthly.   Steps To restore multiple backups, follow these steps: To access the Backup Menu, click on Backup, on the main screen of your

How to downgrade from apache 2 back to apache 1.3

If you need to go back to apache 1.3 after installing apache 2, you’ll need to do the following: 1) Restore the old httpd.conf file: cp -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.1.3.backup /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 2) Get DirectAdmin to use the old httpd.conf files for the users. Edit the /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file and change apache_ver=2.0 to apache_ver=1.3.

How to compile wget for your system

Sometimes the precompiled wget binaries refuse to work with your ssl linked libraries. The simple solution is to compile a new wget binary to be used with your ssl libraries. wget tar xvzf wget-1.8.2.tar.gz cd wget-1.8.2 ./configure –prefix=/usr –with-ssl make make install If you’re using FreeBSD, you’d need to

How do I rebuild/restore the named.conf file on a Direct Admin server?

1) SSH to server as root. 2) cd /etc 3) cp named.conf named.conf.BAK 4) wget -O /etc/named.conf 5) then run: for i in `cat /etc/virtual/domains`; do { echo “zone \”$i\” { type master; file \”/var/named/$i.db\”; };”; }; done; >> /etc/named.conf

How do I upgrade PHP4 to PHP5 in Direct Admin control panel?

SSH to server as root and then perform the following: * Compile the PHP 5 lib for Apache * – Download php to a temporary directory ( – cd [the temporary directory] – tar zxvf php-5.0.x.tar.gz – cd php-5.0.x – /usr/local/directadmin/customapache/configure.php ( _ap2 for Apache2) – make – make

How do I reinstall Apache in Direct Admin?

SSH to the server as root and run the following: cd /usr/local/directadmin mkdir customapache cd customapache wget chmod 755 build ./build update ./build all