Load Balancing

LOAD BALANCING Don’t lose business because you couldn’t handle the demand. Load balance and handle your biggest resource spikes with ease. Home / Page Adding this service to two servers with identical content will allow you to distribute your load evenly across your hardware. Don’t lose business because you couldn’t


Hivelocity + Wasabi Powerful hosting meets simple object storage.(At a fraction of the cost: 80% Cheaper than AWS S3) Home / Page Scale to as much as youneed for only $6.99/TB Need a second copy in the cloud? Off-site disaster recovery? Long-term object storage? Wasabi’s break-through price performance with the


FIREWALL Hardware firewalls, a key component of a strong defense. Home / Page Stop attacks, prevent unauthorized access, and achieve regulatory compliance. Our Juniper hardware firewalls offload the work so your server never has to consume resources protecting itself from malicious traffic. A single firewall can be used to protect

DDoS Protection

DDOS PROTECTION Enterprise DDoS protection mitigates attacks by blocking and scrubbing malicious traffic. Home / Page While our competitors may advertise DDoS protection, most often, they are merely implementing easily evaded router rules or simply black-holing targeted servers. They consider this “DDoS protecting their network.” However, neither of these solutions

Private Cloud

PRIVATE CLOUD Outsource DevOps. Scalable Private Cloud Solutions. Home / Page Single tenant cloud environments on dedicated hardware with predictable & controlled costs. 100% of the resources belong to you, improving security and boosting performance. Automatic Failover Create Networks Between VMs BENEFITS Failover and High AvailabilityAny Virtual Machine can be

Understanding the Server Load Metric of Your Server

Monitoring server load is an important task when managing a server. Making sure the load isn’t too high will keep the hardware safer and prevent outages and downtime. This article explains the finer points of how to find your server load, understanding it, and offers solutions for managing it. The

How to Enable Ruby Support in Plesk Onyx

While Plesk offers users multiple languages to script in, if you’re a Plesk user who prefers the Ruby programming language, you might find Plesk’s out-of-the-box offerings less than desirable. Luckily, through the use of an extension, Plesk Onyx can support Ruby as well. With the Ruby extension, you’ll be deploying

How to Check if Your Linux Server Is Under DDoS Attack

Whether you’re a blogger, the owner of an eCommerce shop, or a webmaster for a local service provider, everyone knows that in today’s internet-driven world, having a strong website can be the difference between economic success and failure. With businesses growing increasingly reliant on search engines and web traffic to

How to Convert an Addon Domain to a Primary Domain in cPanel

With the latest release of cPanel, an excellent new feature has been added allowing users to easily convert an addon domain into a primary domain. If you need information on domain conversion, then this guide is for you. *NOTE: this method requires the user to have root access to the

How to Install SQL Server Management Studio 2017 on Windows Server 2019

SQL Server Management Studio 2017 Windows 2019 Download This guide will assist you through the download and installation process of SQL Server Management Studio 2017 on Windows Server 2019. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an invaluable tool for managing a Microsoft SQL server. It can be installed on your