Can I run cPanel behind NAT?

Solution Short answer: No, it is not supported. It was once semi-possible to run cPanel behind a NAT firewall, however the system has changed somewhat so that if you use more than one server behind the NAT (more than one appears from behind the same public IP), the license server

How can I force users to use the WHM/Cpanel/Webmail SSL ports?

Solution Click on the “Tweak Settings” link under “Server Setup”. Within the system section is a check box with the heading: “Always redirect users to the ssl/tls ports when visiting /cpanel, /webmail, etc.” Tick the check box and apply the changes by clicking on the “Save” button at the bottom

How can I force cookie authentication for WHM/Cpanel/Webmail?

Solution Click on the “Tweak Settings” link under “Server Setup”. Within the “System” section is a check box with the heading: “Disable Http Authentication for cPanel/WebMail/WHM Logins (forces cookie authentication)” Tick the check box and apply the changes by clicking on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

How can I add PHP support to my cPanel server?

Solution As root on the shell, via SSH, you should type `/scripts/easyapache` and press return. Select an option with PHP support from the easy to use menu and let it build the new apache with the php module.

CheckList for cPanel Expired License issue.

Solution 1. Is the license expired? This is the most obvious cause and simple to verify. Check with the server’s IP. 2. Is the server’s hostname a fully qualified domain name? I like to check this one and the whether the hostname resolves locally with this command: root@spaceboy [~]#


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Resetting MySQL User Password

MySQL is a popular open-source database management system that can store and manipulate data. To access a MySQL database, you need to create a user account and assign it a password. The process of creating a new user and database is also being done automatically upon a creation of cPanel

Top 5 Linux Server Distributions for 2024

Overview 2023 was an active year in the Linux world! Red Hat, the biggest open-source company decided to lock the source code behind a paywall, Ubuntu dropped default support for Flatpak for all its flavors, Vim creator, Bram Moolenar, passed away, and Linux rose above MacOS in gaming stats with