Access your database remotely on a cPanel hosting

First of all, it is important to explain how the database/database user names are formed. The names consist two parts — your cPanel username and the actual database/username name. For example — if your username is “user” and if you named your database “databasename” you should use: user_databasename Same for

Where do I find things on a cPanel / WHM dedicated server?

If you are trying to find a program, login to the shell. Typing “whereis program”, where “program” is the application you are looking for, will show you one or more possibilites for what you are looking for. If you have more than one copy of a program, for example in

Restart a Service/Daemon On a Linux cPanel Dedicated Server

If you are running cPanel/WHM on a Linux dedicated server, most of the services can be restarted from within WHM, however sometimes you will need to restart them from the shell via ssh. To do this, you must be logged in as root. All standard Linux services such as http,

Kill the exim mail queue on a cPanel server

Solution How do I manually kill the exim mail queue on a cPanel server? Login to your cpanel dedicated server a root and execute the following command: /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2 killeximq  

Change Hostname in cPanel Web Host

For web host using cPanel as server’s control panel, changing hostname of the server supposedly to be an easy task. WebHost Manager (WHM) component of cPanel has a tool which allows webmaster to easily change host name. However, using this WHM web-based GUI tool to change hostname always has side

Installation for RVSiteBuilder on cPanel

Solution RVSiteBuilder :: Support :: Installation for cPanel server 1. If your server has RVSkin installed, please update RVSkin to v6.75 up. (Skip this step if you don’t have it). perl /root/rvadmin/ 2. After get the license confirmation, SSH to your cPanel server as root, download the installer using the

How do I fix SSL login for cPanel whm on port 2087?

Solution Maybe you are missing the symlink. Try the following via SSH while logged in as root: cd /usr/lib ln -s ln -s ln -s* /lib/ ln -s* /lib/ cd /lib ln -s ln -s /usr/local/cpanel/startstunnel If Net_SSLeay needs to

Awstats and Webalizer weblogs not working on cPanel server

Solution Perform the following: 1) SSH to server as root and run the following commands: echo “” > /scripts/runweblogs /scripts/fixwebalizer Or issue the following commands; It will update the stats of all users, and can be time consuming: root# cd /var/cpanel/users root# for i in * ; do /scripts/runweblogs $i

What do I do if CPanel ports 2083 and 2087 do not work?

Solution The stunnel binary listens on these ports and forwards the requests to cpsrvd (the web interface binary). Ensure that it is running. root@cpdemo [~]# ps wwwaux | grep stunnel cpanel 25180 0.0 0.2 34572 1364 ? S 03:17 0:00 /usr/bin/stunnel-4.04local /usr/local/cpanel/etc/stunnel/mycabundle/ root 31191 0.0 0.1 4764 672 pts/3 S

Enable the GD PHP Module in cPanel

Solution Log into your server via WHM/cPanel via url like ‘’ Selecte ‘Update Apache’ under the ‘Software’ section of WHM on the left side near the bottom. Next put a check beside ‘GD’ on the right side of WHM and selected ‘Start Build’. Once it’s finished rebuilding Apache, you’re done!