Tell us what you need and we'll build it.
Tell us what you need
and we'll build it.

Consult with the Experts
Let's talk about our part in helping you build an empire. Our people aren't just machine people, they're people people. Call now for a free consultation.

Designers for the Digital Universe
We've designed & deployed hundreds of custom solutions including private clouds, server clusters and virtual environments.

The Best Build for your Bits
No matter how large or specific your hardware requirements may be, we are able to meet your needs.

Sit Back and Relax
The Hivelocity Hot Shots are solution experts. We bring the full force of the Hivelocity mind to bear on all your data needs.
Call us toll-free 888-869-4678 or chat now to get started.

Marc Chartouny Global Infrastructure Manager Strasmore, Inc.

Glenn Kuczer, CEO, Systemworks, LLC

Unihost Brasil Team