CDOSYS is a replacement for CDONTS and should be used instead of it.
CDONTS has been removed from Windows 2003 and is no longer supported
in Server 2003. A working example is below:
Dim objMsg
Dim objConfig
Set objMsg = CreateObject(“CDO.Message”)
Set objConfig = CreateObject(“CDO.Configuration”)
Dim objFields
Set objFields = objConfig.Fields
‘ Setup server information. Comment out if using localhost
objFields(“”) = “”
objFields(“”) = 25
objFields(“”) = 2
‘ Setup server login information if your server require it. Comment out if using localhost
objFields(“”) = 1
objFields(“”) = “SMTPAUTHUser”
objFields(“”) = “SMTPAUTHPassword”
‘uncomment if using localhost.
‘objFields(“”) = 1
‘ Now you can setup message to send
Set objMsg.Configuration = objConfig
objMsg.To = “”
objMsg.From = “”
objMsg.Subject = “Some subject”
objMsg.TextBody = txMessage
set objMsg = NOTHING