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How do I fix DCOM Issue between Web Server and Remote Secondary Machines?

When service pack 1 is applied on HC primary or remote Mail/DNS 2003 machines then DCOM communication problem occurs. It is because Microsoft has shipped the service pack 1 for 2003 Server with Windows built-in firewall service i.e. [Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service.] which disturbs remote DCOM communication. Following these instructions on remote Mail/DNS machines, fixes DCOM related problems. These instructions should be applied on both HC Primary as well as on all remote machines.

Note: Steps 1-3 are specifically for 2003 Service Pack1, rest are for both 2000 and 2003 machines.

Go to Start => Run=>DComcnfg => Component Services => My Computer => Properties => COM Security =>

Access Permissions =>Edit Limits & Edit Defaults and give both ANONYMOUS LOGON and Everyone all given full permissions. E.g. [Local Access, Remote Access]
Launch and Activation Permissions => Edit Limits & Edit Defaults and give both ANONYMOUS LOGON and Everyone all given full permissions. E.g. [Local Launch, Remote Launch, Local Activation, Remote Activation]
Go to Start => Run=>DComcnfg => Component Services => My Computer => DCOM Config =>Hosting Controller =>Properties => Security =>
Launch and Activation Permissions =>Customize=> Edit and give full permissions to both ANONYMOUS LOGON and Everyone.
Access Permissions =>Customize=> Edit and full permissions to both ANONYMOUS LOGON and Everyone.
Configuration Permissions=>Customize=> Edit and full permissions to both ANONYMOUS LOGON and Everyone.
Open your services control manager as follows:
Start=>Run=>Services.msc and stop and disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service.
RPC and HC Services should be running on both machines. For further detailed information read this article.
“Enable Distributed COM” & “Enable COM Internet Services on this Computer” on both HC Primary and Remote machines. Both of them can be enabled as follows:
Start=>Run=>Dcomcnfg=>Component Services=>My Computer=>Propertiese=>Default Properties Tab.
DCOM should be properly configured on all machines. For further details about configuring DCOM please read.
The HC Secondary Installer should be with latest hot fix on remote machines. (HCv6.1 Windows Secondary Installer) (Latest Hot fix)
Register HCDcomClient.dll by giving the following command on both machines.
*X\dll\regsvr32 HCDComClient.dll
In case of firewalls open related ports of firewall for proper.
HC uses built-in DCom of Microsoft for remote communication which is comparatively a slow method of communication. In case your machines are in different physical locations, it is recommended to move all machines with in the same LAN to avoid any problem.

In coming version .Net Technology will be used instead of DCOM, which will minimize this threat.
If the problem persists even after following these steps, send the respective HC DCOM logs located at *X:\Logs on HC primary machine to HC support for further investigation.
“X” refers to the path where HC is installed. In most cases it might be as follows:
C:\Program Files\Advanced Communications\Hosting Controller

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