Answered by the Webhosting Experts

Create a Virtual Machine Using an ISO

1. Navigate to Hivelocity Enterprise Cloud and access the Location you want to build the new Virtual Machine

2. Click on Virtual Machines

3. Click “NEW VM”

dashboard with all virtual machines

4. Type the name of the VM

5. Click the “Computer Name” field.

Enter the Computer Name with no spaces.

dashboard new VM name field

6. Click the “Description” field.

dashboard new VM description field

7. Click “New” to create a new vm from ISO

dashboard new VM type radio button

8. Type “Create a VM using an ISO”

9. Click this dropdown to select the Guest OS Family

dashboard new VM Guest OS family

10. Click this dropdown to choose the Guest OS

dashboard new VM guest OS dropdown

11. Click “Select…” to choose the ISO or Bootable image

dashboard new VM boot image field

12. Click the radial next to you Bootable Image

dashboard new VM boot image dropdown

13. Assign CPU resources

dashboard new VM CPU field

14. Click the “Memory” field and allocated memory needed

dashboard new VM Memory field

15. Click this dropdown to choose the storage policy you are wanting to provision to. You can also create Additional storage at this stage

dashboard new VM add storage button

16. Click under Size to define the disk size.

dashboard new VM define disk size

17. Repeat process to add additional storage

18. Configure the network Settings, First choose the Network to connect this VM to.

dashboard new VM network settings

19. Choose the Network adapter type, usually VMXNET3

dashboard new VM network adapter type

20. Choose IP Mode

dashboard new VM IP mode

21. Repeat Steps 18-20 to create any additional network connections

22. Click “OK”

dashboard new VM save button

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