How to Use sudo to Assign Root Access to a User on a Linux Server?
Please refer the following steps: a. Login to the server as root. b. Execute the following command: root@host [~]# visudo c. The screen …
Please refer the following steps: a. Login to the server as root. b. Execute the following command: root@host [~]# visudo c. The screen …
rndc: connect failed: connection refused If you get following errors while checking /var/log/message in case named fails named[7330]: using 1 CPU named[7330]: loading configuration: failure …
If apache does not start , then please check the error logs with cpanel. The error “semget: No space left on device” shows that that …
Quick Checking Your Apache Version Number If you need to check the Apache version number installed on your server, you can do so in one …
For receiving an alert if someone logs in as root to your server, you will have to make Some changes to .bashrc that is available …
There are two ways through which you can start, stop and restart any desired service: How to start a service :- First Method: /etc/init.d/service-name start …
If you find the error messages in /etc/httpd/logs/error_log as follows :- [Tue Mar 28 04:29:42 2006] [notice] child pid 24546 exit signal File size limit …
You can also check and monitor Apache server’s current status on the web page without using log files. Modify httpd.conf file and add the following …
Check the current version of apache by running httpd –v Then execute the following commands: cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache ./build clean ./build update ./build apache_mod_ssl This should …
List of Linux Log Files The following is a list of commonly found log files within Linux, alongside a short description of what kind of …
1) Create a .htaccess file and specify the following code in it, AuthType Basic AuthName “Adminsitration” AuthUserFile /home/support/.htpasswd require valid-user 2) To create a passwd …