As a VMware partner, we at Hivelocity are excited to share insights into a transformative development that marks a significant change to licensing from VMware by Broadcom. VMware, now under Broadcom’s umbrella, has embarked on a strategic journey, reinforcing its commitment to innovation, simplification, and customer success. We share with you these announced changes, their implications, and how they benefit our clients and the broader VMware community. 

Uniting Forces for Innovation 

The acquisition of VMware by Broadcom has culminated in the merging of two visionary teams, each with a deep-rooted commitment to engineering excellence and innovation. This union is poised to redefine the infrastructure technology domain, offering global enterprises enhanced capabilities to navigate and thrive in private, hybrid, and multi-cloud ecosystems. At Hivelocity, we are enthusiastic about the potential this partnership holds for driving customer success through accelerated innovation, simplified product portfolios, and a strengthened ecosystem. 

Simplification and Subscription: The Path Forward 

Over the past two years, VMware has focused on streamlining its product offerings and transitioning to a subscription-based model. This strategic pivot aims to align more closely with customer needs for continuous innovation, expedited value delivery, and predictable financial planning. Today, we stand at a pivotal moment where VMware, as part of the Broadcom family, introduces a significant overhaul in its approach to product offerings and licensing. 

Streamlined Product Portfolio 

In response to feedback from our customers and partners, VMware by Broadcom is simplifying its product portfolio. This initiative is designed to make it easier for enterprises of all sizes to leverage VMware solutions, removing complexity from our offerings and go-to-market strategies. 

Transition to Subscription Licenses 

Marking the end of perpetual license sales, VMware by Broadcom is fully embracing subscription-based licensing. This move includes ceasing sales of perpetual licenses and their associated support and subscription renewals, alongside hybrid and subscription purchase program credits. A key feature of this transition is the introduction of a bring-your-own-subscription license option, enhancing flexibility for customers leveraging VMware Cloud Foundation in hybrid cloud environments. 

Key Changes and What They Mean for You 

Portfolio Transformation 

VMware’s portfolio is undergoing specific changes, particularly within the VMware Cloud Foundation division, which now focuses on two main offerings for customers looking to own their subscription-based licenses: 

VMware Cloud Foundation: Tailored for enterprise-class hybrid cloud solutions, this flagship offering now comes at a significantly reduced subscription price, coupled with add-ons and enhanced support services. 

VMware vSphere Foundation: Designed for small to medium-sized businesses, this new offering combines vSphere with intelligent operations management for optimal performance and efficiency. 

Embracing Subscription Licensing 

The industry’s shift toward subscription models reflects the standard for cloud consumption. VMware’s full transition to subscription offerings promises continuous innovation, faster value realization, and predictable investment paths for our clients. 

Benefits and Opportunities 

  • For Customers: This evolution in VMware’s strategy enhances our ability to serve you with cutting-edge solutions and the ability to Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) to the Hivelocity hosted Private Cloud Services for quicker deployment, innovation, migration, and cost-effective scaling of your digital infrastructure. 
  • For Partners: The shift to a subscription model opens new avenues for us to engage with you more strategically, offering high-value services that underscore our commitment to your success. 

Navigating the Transition Together 

As VMware transitions away from perpetual licenses, we recognize the importance of guiding our clients through this change. Hivelocity is here to assist you in assessing your current VMware deployments and planning your transition to the subscription model, ensuring a seamless migration that aligns with your business objectives. 

Looking Ahead 

The changes introduced by VMware by Broadcom are a testament to our shared vision of simplifying cloud consumption and empowering businesses with the flexibility and innovation they need for their digital transformation journeys. As your trusted VMware partner, Hivelocity is dedicated to supporting you through these transitions, leveraging the enhanced capabilities and benefits that come with VMware’s new strategic direction. 

For more information on how these changes impact your VMware solutions and how we can help, please reach out to our team. You can also reference the following link for the official announcement from Broadcom. Together, we can explore how these developments can further enable your success as a user of VMware’s market-leading technology.

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