Login to your server as root and at the root prompt fire the below command:
root@xxx[~]vi /etc/cron.daily/chkrootkit.sh
Insert the following to the new file:
cd /your_installpath/chkrootkit-0.42b/
./chkrootkit | mail -s “Daily chkrootkit from Servername” admin@youremail.com
1. Replace ‘your_installpath’ with the actual path to where you unpacked Chkrootkit.
2. Change ‘Servername’ to the server which you are running.
3. Change ‘admin@youremail.com’ to your actual email address where the script will mail you.
Save the file.
Change the file permissions
root@xxx[~]chmod 755 /etc/cron.daily/chkrootkit.sh
Now if you like ,you can run a test report manually in SSH, to see how it looks.
root@xxx[~]cd /etc/cron.daily/
You’ll now receive a alert with the report!
Everyday you should receive the alert.
You don’t have to run it manually.