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Start and stop Urchin or set it up as a daemon

Urchin can be started and stopped with urchinctl. This is found in the bin directory within the base installation directory which is usually /usr/local/urchin.

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#bin/urchinctl

Usage: urchinctl [-v] [-h] [-e] [-s|-w] [-p port] action
-v prints out the version of urchinctl
-h prints out this information
-e activates encryption (SSL) in the webserver
-s performs the action on the Urchin scheduler ONLY
-w performs the action on the Urchin webserver ONLY
-p specifies the port for the webserver to listen on

action is either: start, stop, restart, or status

start: starts the webserver and scheduler
stop: stops the webserver and scheduler
restart: stops and then starts the webserver and scheduler
status: prints out whether the webserver and scheduler are running

By default, the action is performed on both the webserver and the
scheduler unless the -s or -w options are specified

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#bin/urchinctl start
Urchin webserver started on port 9999
Urchin scheduler started

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#bin/urchinctl stop
Urchin webserver stopped
Urchin scheduler stopped
You can find a daemon script in the util directory of the base installation directory.

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#ls -la util/urchin_daemons
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 1267 Oct 28 18:38 util/urchin_daemons

This is a SysV daemon script and it also supports chkconfig.

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#cp util/urchin_daemons /etc/init.d/urchin
root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#chmod 755 /etc/init.d/urchin
root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#chkconfig urchin on
root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#chkconfig --list urchin
urchin 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#

You can now start this as you would any other daemon.

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#/etc/init.d/urchin start
Urchin webserver started on port 9999
Urchin scheduler started

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#/etc/init.d/urchin stop
Urchin webserver stopped
Urchin scheduler stopped

You may also use the service helper if it is installed.

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#service urchin start
Urchin webserver started on port 9999
Urchin scheduler started

root@root [/usr/local/urchin]#service urchin stop
Urchin webserver stopped
Urchin scheduler stopped

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